Hyung Keun Lee
Phone: +82-2-300-0131 |
- 1986 ~ 1990 : BS,
Dept. Control & Instrumentation
- 1990 ~ 1994 : MS,
Dept. Control & Instrumentation
- 1998 ~ 2002: PhD, School of Electrical
- 1994.1 ~ 1998.2 : Research Engineer, Hyundai
Space & Aircraft Co.,
- 2002.3 ~ 2002.9 :
Postdoctoral Fellow, BK 21 Research Division for Information Technology, Seoul National
- 2002.9 ~ 2003.8 :
Postdoctoral Fellow (
- 2003.9 ~ present :
- 1996~Current : Life Member, Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
- 2003~Current : Life Member, Korea Navigation Institute
- 2003~Current : Member, Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
- 2003~Current : Member, The Korean GNSS Society (formerly GNSS Technology Council), Korea
- 2004~Current : Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- 2007~2010 : Member of Board of Directors, The Korean GNSS Society, Korea
- 2005~2018 : Member of Board of Directors, Korea Navigation Institute, Korea
- 2010.3~2015.12 : Member, LBS PG (Location-Based Service Program Group), TTA (Telecommunications Technology association)
- 2012.1~2020.12 : Member of Board of Directors, The Institute of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (formerly The Korean GNSS Society)
- 2004~2007 : Editor, The Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical Science and Flight Operation
- 2008~2011 : Editor, iCROS, Institute of Control, Robotics, and Systems
- 2013.2~2020.12 : Editor, Journal of Korea Navigation Institute
- 2012.9~Current : Editor, Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
- 2012.12~Current : Editor, Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
- 2012.1~2016.6 : Head, Advanced GNSS Expert Education Program (Government Funded), Korea Aerospace Univ.
- 2018.3~2020.8 : Representative, Technical Society of Navigation, Guidance and Control (NGC), Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS)
- 2018.9~2020.8 : Director, Aerospace and Aviation Electronics Research Center
- 2021.1~2022.12 : President, The Institute of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
- Positioning, navigation, and transportation systems
- Multi-sensor fusion based on inertial navigation system(INS)
- Infrastructure for Global Navigation Satellite System(GNSS), Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) and Location-Based Service(LBS)
- Spatio-temporal estimation and detection
- Fault Detection, isolation and recovery
- Autonomous Navigation
- Humantech Thesis Prize,
- Academic Editorial Activity Award,
- Achievement Award,
- Outstanding Research Faculty Award,
- Outstanding Reviewer Award,
- Top Downloaded Article (2021),
- Top Downloaded Article (2022),
- Achievement Award,
- Top Cited Article (2022-2023),